Present Better with our presentation tips and design guides

Getting your presentation perfect is tough. To help you master your presentation skills, we have put together several articles that will help you present better. We cover a wide range of area’s, from body language to how best to hold a microphone. We also look at some presenters who have mastered the art. By learning from confident and effective presenters, you too can improve your skills. As your skills develop you will be able to captivate, convince and win your audience.

To see some of our students in action, and get inspiration for you presentation, check out our TEDx page. If you have any questions contact us here.

We’re all sick to death of PowerPoint. We understand. We feel your pain too. In all these years, Microsoft hasn’t done much to revolutionise their business presentation software. Most organisations have not opted into the costly Copilot add-on as yet, and CoPilot for PowerPoint has not gained accolades . If we’re really honest, most of […]

Speech anxiety: Recovery for anyone who has ever broken down in a presentation

Speech anxiety: Recovery for panic mechanics and anyone who has ever broken down in a presentation You start off well.  Then you fumble over a word or two.  Perhaps someone asks you a question or you notice someone is reading a message on their phone.  Perhaps that one audience member is looking at you with [...]

Body Language: What Every Presenter Needs to Know

You can blow your budget to learn all about body language, or you can read on and save your money. Nothing excites presenters more than the opportunity to learn about body language. Body language has been relegated to the realm of almost mystical knowledge, and anyone who seems to know anything about it generally avoids [...]

Zoom Presentation: How to Succeed Online

Presentation tips for Zoom to overcome gloom   So you thought you were comfortable with your presentation style… and then Zoom happened.   We’ve found our clients have come to the rather uncomfortable realisation that advanced presentation skills are required when presenting online. Technology such as Zoom can be exceptionally daunting!  So here are some helpful tips [...]

How to Use a Microphone When Presenting

If you have to speak to a group of thirty or more audience members, you really should consider presenting with a microphone. Whilst it is possible to project your voice adequately to a group of forty delegates and still be heard, the longer your presentation, the greater the strain will be on your vocal chords. [...]

How to design a presentation

Presentation Design can be daunting, and recently I fell into the all too familiar trap, staring at my computer screen, struggling to make sense of what I had created as I moved my slides around as I tried to rework an old presentation for a new requirement. Before I realised what I was doing, I [...]

The often overlooked aspect of a Presentation: Vocal Techniques

You’re ready to go. You have a beautiful presentation. Your visuals are breathtaking. Your content is coherent. You feel you’ve got your body language under wraps. What could possibly go wrong? Have you paid attention to your vocal techniques? Good Vocal Techniques Make a Difference So often we witness presentations that could have been fantastic, [...]

Is Presenting with Confidence Enough?

Sadly confidence does not a good public speaker make and presenting with confidence might not be enough. In fact, being too confident can cause you to alienate your audience and prevent you from creating that vital connection. It struck us that this is a common misconception: confidence is the key ingredient to standing in front [...]

How to Overcome Speech Anxiety When Presenting

When standing in front of an audience, your body language is a crucial element in delivering your message effectively as a public speaker. And a nervous presenter can often be detected in the telltale signals that they display such as pacing, dancing or holding for dear life on to props such as a podium. So [...]

Lessons we learnt from TEDx 2015 – Multiple Presenters

The Presentation Clinic has worked with TEDx Cape Town to assist TEDx speakers to perform at their very best! TEDx is an initiative we are honoured to associate with. All participants work purely from an altruistic place of empowering the future movers and shakers to get their great ideas out there. It is such a [...]

Good body language means moving with purpose

How often do you observe a presenter pacing backwards and forwards during a presentation? Or dancing side to side? Swivelling on a heel or crossing and uncrossing one’s legs? Perhaps you too are guilty? And what is wrong with moving in a presentation? Surely standing in one spot is boring? Firstly this depends on the [...]

So you think you want a beautiful presentation?

At the Presentation Clinic, we design presentations for our clients. Many of our clients come to us requesting beautiful powerpoint presentations, which we can certainly assist you with. However, no matter how beautiful your presentation is, it is not going to assist if your message and the way in which you deliver it does not [...]

To move your audience, be believable!

How many times have you sat through a presentation where the speaker begins by stating how excited he / she is to share this information with you? And how many times have you observed that the words simply do not match the message? No matter how much effort we put into crafting our presentations, if [...]

How to time your presentation correctly

One of the biggest fears we have when presenting is that we are going to run out of time, or perhaps go over time and not be able to get our important takeaways across. And this is a very important consideration, although to finish early is a far safer as no one really likes long [...]

Every presentation and presenter are different.

We know that no two presentations are the same. If you need special assistance or just want to take your presentation to the next level, sign up for one of our courses here. We will work with you to find what make you unique and help you present with confidence.

CALL: 087 012 5487

Skills Clinic Courses

Minute Takers Clinic | Time Clinic